Weekly Forecast- Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces
You are restless and ready to take a new challenge in life. You need something new to re-spark your interest in the present relationship or job. The familiarity of things bore you. Ending of an old relationship which has run its course and beginning of a new meaningful one is on the cards. You’re dreamy, moody and perhaps a little in love. You find temptations at all corners and face many choices. It’s best to stay the course you’re on till you pass this phase. Cupid strikes you and you are in love, but not free to act on it. You’re conflicted between staying in present relationship or moving on to the new one. Either way there is a little heartache caused to all parties. Don’t intensify it by making a hasty decision. Pause, reflect and let your intuition guide you out of this quagmire. The force of your ideas removes any obstacle from your path of success.
The force of your ideas and help from trusted advisers is on your side this week. Good time to invest in or start a new business or creative venture. A change of job or location is also on the cards. The change may feel unexpected, sudden and perhaps even a little disruptive, but its best to go with the flow. Acceptance, not resistance is the way forward. You may feel uprooted half way through the journey and may not be able to see an important project through its completion. Colleagues will be cooperative and helpful. Some things or people from the past may weigh heavily on your mind and you may be reunited with old friends.
The wait is over and delayed or overdue things or projects
start moving swiftly. Travel, news from abroad is also on the cards. Admission letters,
job offers can be expected to arrive soon. Time spent on personal or professional
development will be rewarding in and of itself. Gather around your friends for
a quick inspiration boost or even an enlightening and camaraderie filled trip. Together
they will help you discover the new direction you should take. Meditate to
relax and focus on your thoughts. Find time for yourself and things you like to
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