Tarot Reading for the 12 Sun Signs for the week of August 26- September 01, 2018.... Part 3

Weekly Horoscope- Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces

Things buried in your subconscious mind will be revealed to you at the right time. past efforts will yield results and projects will be successfully completed. On personal front, wishes will be fulfilled and there will be a loving clarity in relationships. You’re creative, moody and dreamy this week. You rely on your intuition to take important decisions. An important woman in life will be a pillar of strength and support. You can easily rely on their advice. They have your best interest at heart. Mothers will be especially loving and caring. Travel to new places and learning new things is also on the cards. 

You’ll not be able to escape the influence of a father figure or authority figure this week. Bosses, even if benign will be interfering. Family might be a bit overbearing as well. Keep your cool; they mean well and are looking out for you. Any work from a government authority is likely to get done. You may feel unheard and misunderstood. So brush up your communication skills. Show them with your heart and actions what you cannot speak from the mouth. Promotion, acknowledgment or gifts may be received. For females, their partners will be loving and indulgent. Show your own appreciation towards them. 

This is your week to shine at work and in personal relationships. Past efforts will be rewarded and you’re much closer to success than you think. Carry on with perseverance. Don’t give up now, so close to the finish line. Take care of health and finances this week. Some time alone with yourself or with nature will be beneficial. Pangs of loneliness can't be avoided but take heart, it will pass. Tie up loose ends and prepare to start something new professionally or personally very soon. Opportunity is coming. You need to be ready.

Successful end to a long drawn out project at work is foreseen. Your efforts will be recognized and rewarded. Travel  and move of venue is on the cards. You need to enjoy the victory and then get to planning for immediate future. Rest, relaxation and learning new things is possible. Social life will be hectic and rewarding. Use it as an opportunity to network. Not everyone who hangs around you is a friend. Recognize and appreciate true friends who patiently wait for you at the finish line. Recognize the sacrifice made by other people to make your success a reality. Be proactive on your professional front.
