Weekly Horoscope- Leo, Virgo, Libra & Scorpio
Image Courtesy: Advaita Centre |
LEO (July 22- August 21)
There are still some efforts which need to be
made and some hurdles to be crossed before you reach your goals. You’ll need
patience, clear thinking and better communication to get out of a situation you’re
feeling trapped in. These restrictions will fade with time and you’ll have the
freedom to put your ideas into action. The right partner will be able to help
you provided you choose them correctly and not let your ego come in the way of
accepting their help. Expenses will see an unexpected rise, but the situation
is still under control. You’ll achieve whatever you want in due time, so don’t let
your frustrations get out of hand. Relax. Continue your hardwork and keep
making smart choices.
Image Courtesy: Advaita Centre |
VIRGO (August 22- September 21)
You need to take a break, rest and relax. You’re content with
your lot. Opportunities coming your way either don’t excite you or you fail to
see their potential. You may miss something vital while you’re looking the
other way. An acquaintance from work, school or past may be holding romantic
feelings for you secretly. Some of you who are already in a relationship may be
tempted to look outside of it. Some may try to put the spark back into an existing
relationship while has gone stale with neglect and passing of time. They may
want to do something exciting and fun with their partner. It’s good time to put
into work your personal or financial goals but take care of your health. Make intelligent
choices and be guided by your intuition.
Image Courtesy: Advaita Centre |
LIBRA (September 22- October 22)
You have been resisting an idea or thought for some time. Stop
resisting and accept change. You may see new development in old projects. There
are chances of friendship with unexpected person. Use your wit and diplomacy to
turn an enemy into friend. You’re unlikely to win a confrontation. So avoid
struggle and go with the flow to see where it leads you. There are chances of
fraud or deceit in financial matters. So be careful. Money lent may not come
back. Nostalgic moments and reconnecting with your past is also on the cards. You
have your bright ideas and opportunities working in your favour this week. Make
the most out of them.
Image Courtesy: Advaita Centre |
SCORPIO (October 23- November 20)
New financial opportunities are coming your way. Don’t ignore
tips and hints by acquaintances in this regard. Business opportunities or new
job may also be on the cards. Be on a lookout and keep an open mind before
rejecting any idea or offer. Trying to fight or resist a challenging situation will
only boomerang. So accept it and make the most out of it using your inherent
grace, charm, and intelligence. You have the ability to rise above the challenges
and help is available if you need it. Keep your intelligence and wit about you
as you encounter a variety of situations and confront myriad people this week. Play
to your strengths and use all your advantages. There is a lot happening and
initially it might look like a struggle, but it’s all to your favour.
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